Unparalleled Training, Experience and Commitment to Our Clients
Providing subject matter experts at government and corporate training, seminars and conferences; advice relating to counterterrorism and counterintelligence matters, namely, activities designed to prevent economic espionage; civil and criminal investigations.
Contact us for a confidential consultation of your needs and how we can help you resolve them.
Background Experience and Skills
FBI special agent retired, high profile trial attorney, retired gang intelligence police detective sergeant; former UDT/Navy SEAL (Class '75), retired U.S. Marine Corps colonel, all being advised by a former president of a billion-dollar company.

Paul W. Vick
BDIC CEO; co-founder and managing member of Blue Dragon and Gideon; former FBI supervisory special agent; former Wichita Police Department detective. Member of the Wichita Metro Crime Commission.

Mark S. Jones
BDIC co-founder; legal counsel and advisor of Blue Dragon and Gideon; trial lawyer and assistant college professor, former chief deputy prosecutor, U.S./European/Asian historian.

Richard Morris
BDIC advisor; retired detective sergeant Fort Worth Police Department, Gang Intelligence; reserve Tarrant County deputy constable; police chaplain; EMT; member of the North Texas Crime Commission and the North Texas Violent Gang Task Force; 10th degree black belt in karate; international keynote speaker; Ziglar Legacy Certified coach, trainer and published author.

Dale T. Vick
BDIC advisor; Navy SEAL (Class '75), former police officer and pilot, fluent in Spanish.

Steven L. Vick
BDIC advisor; Dallas-based entrepreneur and philanthropist; co-founder of Sterling House Corporation; CEO Pegasus Senior Living; director of True North Foundation.

James "Jim" J. Frawley
BDIC advisor/consultant; retired colonel-inspector general, United States Marine Corps, Forth Worth police officer.